Sunday, January 26, 2014

Meet the Titans

Atlas-Class Titan

Atlas Model

Named after the Greek Titan of Astronomy the Atlas is the oldest Titan model. It was the first produced by Hammond Robotics, and was used as a base for the development of the Stryder and Ogre class Titans. The Atlas is tried and true, having served on the battlefield for several years already in the Titan Wars.

Atlas is well rounded, and is designed to be used by a wide audience and to be useful in almost any situation. It is taller, and faster than the Ogre and more durable than the Stryder. Because of it's balanced attributes it is widely believed to be the first Titan to accompany players on the battlefield.

The Atlas comes default with a Large, Chain-Fed Machine Gun.

Ogre-Class Titan

Stryder-Class Titan

Weapons of TitanFall

While these aren't all the weapons included in the game, the community has gathered what information it can from promotional gameplay videos and leaks from the lucky Alpha players on Xbox One. Readers, please note that nothing here is set in stone. TitanFall is still being actively developed and everything here is subject to change, all we can do is compile everything we find into one place for you, the readers.

If players want to be at all successful in TitanFall they need to be competent with more than one weapon. Each player is equipped with an Anti-Personnel Weapon, an Anti-Titan Weapon and a bevvy of explosives and equipment to help them out of those tight pinches.

Anti-Personnel Weapons

R-101C Assault Rifle

R-101c Carbine
Damage: n/a
Clip Size: 30 rounds
Recoil: Medium
Range: Close-Medium

Even the Iron Sights
look like the M4A1
Originally known as the RSPN-101 as a homage to Respawn Entertainment the R-101c assault rifle is the first weapon you will use in TitanFall. You may be thinking "It looks like an M4A1", which is pretty accurate, in gameplay it behaves just like a normal assault rifle.

Dont worry Call of Duty fans! TitanFall does have custom loadouts. Up until the Alpha release the R-101c was commonly seen equipped with a custom reflex sight for quick target acquisition. This will just be among the many attachments that will let players customize their own firearms.

The clip holds 30 rounds, we are sad to see tactical reloads don't preserve the extra loaded round. However, tactical reloads are much quicker, and look to be less than a half a second and are similar reloads in Call of Duty.


Damage: n/a
Clip Size: 6
Recoil: Small
Range: Close

The EVA-8 is a basic shotgun, who's utility matches that of the SPAS-12. It is semi-automatic and holds 6 rounds.

Smart Pistol

Damage: n/a
Clip Size: 10
Recoil: Small
Range: Close

Not much is known so far about the Smart Pistol, and it's hard to find Alpha gameplay containing it because pilots are very well stocked on ammunition when spawning. 

The Smart Pistol appears to have an aim assist attachment that allows players to tag multiple enemies before firing. Anyone who has played 'Metroid: Prime', and used Samus's seeker missiles will enjoy this unique targeting system as it allows players to breach and clear rooms of multiple enemies almost effortlessly. Small gameplay mechanics are just an omen to all of the innovative ideas Respawn has for it's new hit shooter.

Anti-Titan Weapons


Titan Weapons


Quad Rockets

Quad Rockets appear to be the default weapon on Ogre class Titans. The clip holds four rounds consisting of four rockets fired in a double helix pattern. The group of rockets travel in a straight line, they do about 20% damage to Titans and are devastating against Pilots.

Reload time is a little over 2 seconds, thanks to the missiles being neatly tucked into crate for Titans to load with one hand.





What you need to know for release day.

Gameplay in TitanFall is all online. Respawn is focusing 100% on innovative multiplayer. This means if you're playing Titanfall at all, you will be competing with others around the world. Dont get caught off guard on release day!

Here we're focusing on tactics, and gameplay tips. It's best to know the game play elements before release so you're ready for battle. Over the course of this week we will be covering everything we know so far about TitanFall.